Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jungle Jan

It has been quite an adventure here in the Pantanal!  The 25km dirt road trip to get into where I am staying was an expedition in and of itself.....lg caymen on each side of the road, transported by an old pick up truck where we sat in the back on padded benches but it kept stalling and eventually died out just less than a 100 yards from the hostel.  The road was semi rough but huge craters/ditches due to recent decline in water and the bridges.....or what they consider a bridge anyway was old planks...but fun nonetheless.
Been swimming in the Paraguay river with small caymen near guide has been doing this for over a decade and assured us it was safe....they dont eat anything bigger than they I went for it!!!  :>)  Went on sm boat and cruised the Pantanal and saw many birds, a few monkeys, and an anteater!  I opted out on going fishing for pirhanas and instead sat around the pool and watched a group of young Dutch men play beach volleyball and strom on their guirtars.....dont figure!  Went on quite a hike yesterday through swamps, open fields, forest and water up to my daylight and in the dark!!!!  The sunset was I will never forget with thousands of kite birds all in a line from the west horizon heading east for the night.  Went horseback riding this am and came across jaguar tracks and a fresh bird kill by it....the horses were a bit jumpy.  Pretty cool....  My guide is like tarzan and can do all these animal calls and the animals call back!  One more day and then onto Bonito....

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