Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Islands

Well the weather has been gorgeous but had a few difficult and sad things come up.  Techno communications have not gone well as that is why I have not blogged for a bit and i can not send pics via my phone liked I hoped as well.  I suppose I am to be in the moment and not fussing with technology....  Then got word that my step father that raised me from age 7 - 20 passed away a few days ago.  So that was a bit sad and my heart and thoughts are with my step brothers Don, John, Pat and Mike.  I have been able to contact  Don via email which I did not know his address before so that has been good and able to talk about old times, good memories.
On St. John right now and my couch surfing friend Barb and I getting along very well.  She has introduced me to knowing all the names of the different corals and fish where we have snorkeled at.  Saw many types of beautiful fish and a baracuda and a huge lobster!  She has an under water camera so I will get a cd from her of our little adventure.
Leave for Brazil this afternoon, arrive tomorrow am.  Probably won't have internet service while out on the jaguar expedition for a couple of weeks. Will try to blog when I can and keep everyone updated.

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